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HomeAnnual Conference

We are happy to welcome you to Stanford University for the 2024 CaCCCHE Summer Conference! This year's program will be sure to ignite and inspire a renewal of our field as DEIB practitioners with keynote speakers and breakout sessions to uplift, synergize, and challenge higher education professionals at every level. We are excited for this year's 30th conference theme: "Creating beauty through our work, cultivating wisdom within” to reflect on the collective knowledge, experiences, and lessons that we learn and share with one another!

Summer Conference Fees

Early Bird/ Regular Summer Conference Registration Fees

Early Bird (Registration fees before Sunday, April 28)!

CaCCCHE Members - Early Registration US$ 100.00

Non-Members - Early Registration US$ 200.00

CaCCCHE Elder US$ 75.00

Regular (Registration fees after Sunday, April 28)!

CaCCCHE Members US $125

Non-Members US $225

CaCCCHE Elder US $75.00

Register Now!

Pre-Conference Session

We are excited to offer pre-conference sessions for our conference attendees!

Summer Conference Attendees: FREE

Non-Conference, Non-Members: $100


Pre-Conference Session 1: Expanding Your Reach: Getting Started as an Equity & Justice Consultant

Wednesday, June 26



This pre-conference will allow participants to explore and establish an equity and justice consultation operation. The facilitator will guide the participants to understand their “product”, goals, audiences, markets, business operations, and strategies to launch and sustain a consulting company or organization. The hands-on workshop will guide the participants to set a foundation for why they want to consult and the best approaches to be effective while also sustaining their own wellness, purpose, and fulfillment. The facilitator serves as a senior higher education administrator and also has more than a decade of consulting experience, serves as the managing partner of PMJ Consulting, and as the CEO of JMJ, Incorporated.

Facilitator: Dr. Joshua Moon Johnson. Learn more at

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Pre-Conference Session 2: DEIB Practitioners Toolkit to Conscious Supervision and Management 

Wednesday, June 26


This 4-hour pre conference is designed to help both current and aspiring Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging supervisors in developing and strengthening their supervisory and management skills. 

Facilitator: Diana Pondivilla Victa

During this pre-conference, attendees will: 

  • Reflect on personal character, values, and leadership style 
  • Reflect on the complexities of managing and supervising DEIB staff and departments 
  • Assess current management tools and understand areas of strengths and gaps 
  • Differentiate between leadership and management skills while devising strategies on how to apply them to overcome complex problems and challenges
  • Learn strategies on how to employ honest and accurate feedback to improve individual and team performance

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